Friday, December 18, 2009

A Maven plugin to upload sources on z/OS

LegStar is a mix of Java code and z/OS native code written in C370 and COBOL.
The LegStar build system makes extensive use of Maven, a widely used build automation tool. Maven drives the LegStar release process by pulling source code from SCM, compiling, testing and generating documentation.
All the legStar z/OS native source code is managed locally using Subversion. What was missing so far was the capability to upload and compile these sources on z/OS as part of the Maven build lifecycle.
After several attempts at using the ant FTP task, I decided to write my own Maven plugin. Following the tradition of open sourcing everything in LegStar, you can find the zosupload project on google hosting.
It is quite rudimentary at this stage but it has the minimal capability to upload sources in various PDS libraries, submitting JCL for execution and checking condition codes returned as part of a Maven build.
I expect others will have the same mix of local Java and native z/OS code they would like to keep in sync so I am hoping they will contribute to that project.

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